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A Glimpse into CMMF’s Empowering Career Day 2024

A Glimpse into CMMF’s Empowering Career Day 2024

On the 16th of February 2024, the Charles Musyoka Matuku Foundation hosted an invigorating Career Day, welcoming fresh secondary school graduates on the threshold of their futures. This pivotal event was designed with a multifaceted approach to mentor, guide, and inspire students as they stand at the crossroads of career choices.

A Day of Discovery and Direction: The heart of Career Day pulsed with the aim to illuminate potential paths for our young visionaries. Through a series of tailored sessions, we endeavored to furnish these bright minds with the wisdom to navigate the intricate web of career planning and the life that lies beyond the college gates.

Wisdom Shared, Wisdom Gained: The event blossomed under the guidance of seasoned professionals from a mosaic of industries. Each shared their journey, shedding light on the realities and rewards of their respective fields, and in doing so, equipped our students with a lantern to walk through the corridors of possibility.

Skills for Success: Parallel to the career insights, the day was interwoven with workshops on vital life skills. Time management, effective communication, and the art of setting and achieving goals were some of the essential tools shared to help students carve a successful college experience and a promising future.

Nourishing the Spirit: In keeping with CMMF’s holistic approach, the event was also graced with a spiritual session. Words of hope and direction from scripture offered a wellspring of encouragement, supporting students not just in career planning, but in life’s greater journey.

Celebrating Excellence: Excellence was not only encouraged but celebrated. Outstanding students were applauded, receiving tokens of recognition that spurred a collective strive for academic excellence and personal growth.

Reflecting on Impact: The Career Day concluded with a sense of collective accomplishment. Feedback resonated with positivity, marking the event as a cornerstone in the developmental journey of our young attendees.

The Charles Musyoka Matuku Foundation is honored to have sown seeds of knowledge and ambition in the fertile minds of tomorrow’s leaders. We take pride in each student who left with a clearer vision for their future, emboldened to step into the world with confidence, skill, and spiritual fortitude.