
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Agnes Faith

High School Student

Samuel Mutua

High School Student

Patricia Mwikali

High School Student

Brian Nguli

High School Student

Brian Muthoka

High School Student

Faith Mwende

High School Student

Justus Muthui

University Student

Flora Mutheu

University Student

Joshua Kasyoka

University Student

Onesmus Mwongela

University Student

Stephen Kalwenzi

University Student

Neema Daniel

University Student

Masavi Malii

College and TVET Student

Alves Mwangangi

College and TVET Student

Mary Maswili

College and TVET Student

Caroline Musenya

College and TVET Student

Jacob Muthoka

College and TVET Student

Rose Philip

College and TVET Student